We allow self-submission, but want to implement a workflow that stops the objects from being published in the repository until a librarian has looked at the object and refined the metadata. How can we do this?
Use the Simple Workflow module. Enable it under the Modules menu.
Simple Workflow sets any ingested object to "Inactive" until someone with appropriate permissions has changed it to "Active". You can see a list of all inactive objects under Islandora -> Islandora Utility Modules -> Simple Workflow Objects, where you can review them or enable them.
You can set permssions so that certain roles bypass Simple Workflow - i.e. their objects are ingested without being held as "inactive" objects.
You can also set up a Rule (enable the Rules UI module to edit/enable/disable rules) so that an administrator is notified when objects are ingested.
For details on self-submission and Simple Workflow, watch the Arca Hour on self-submission workflows: http://ac-connect.bccampus.ca/p8im7ioz5xh/
For guidance with Drupal Rules, watch the discoverygarden webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDxl_px-GKQ