Managing objects

How do I batch export datastreams for newspaper issues?

To batch export datastreams for newspaper issues, use the Islandora Datastreams I/O (information in this Arca Minute). Select the Solr Query option and enter the following text: RELS_EXT_isMemberOf_uri_mt:"PID" (replacing "PID" with the PID for the newspaper collection). This will export all of the child objects for that newspaper. For example, to make batch metadata edits, select the MODS datastream.

How can I delete/migrate/share lots of objects at once?

When managing a collection, the options on the Collection tab let you manage multiple objects at once. These views by default only shows 10 objects at a time. For 1,000+ objects, this means a lot of screens and a lot of clicking.

But the number of objects that appear on this screen can be configured. Just go to the Collection Solution Pack config page: admin/islandora/solution_pack_config/basic_collection

Under the field “Objects per page during collection management”, just change the number. 

How do I change how Book pages are displayed?

By default, the Book Viewer makes several assumptions about Book objects:

  • That you want to display two pages side by side (or whatever default you set in the general Book configuration)
  • That your book has a cover, and so presents the first page alone and subsequent pages side by side
  • That your pages were ingested in the correct order
  • That your book reads right-to-left

Each of these things can be configured by Managing the book and clicking to the Book tab.

How do I delete an object?

There are two ways to delete objects. The preferred method is by managing the object itself. The less-preferred method is to do so by managing the object's parent collection (or parent newspaper/book).

Preferred method

  1. Manage the object (navigate to the object and click the Manage tab)
  2. Go to Properties
  3. Click "Permanently remove [this object] from repository"
    • If the object is a collection, it will instead say "Delete collection".

The object and any of its children (if applicable) will be removed.

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