Metadata Guides

Arca Metadata Guidelines

Other Metadata Guides

Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS)

MODS is the native Islandora metadata schema, but it can be mapped to many other schemas.

Controlled Vocabularies

Best practices for controlled vocabularies

Linked Open Data (LOD)

LOD may be a way to expose BC IRN metadata for discovery further down the road.

LOD Implementations

Metadata Best Practices - General

  • OpenDOAR Repositories and Metadata Practices by Heather Lea Moulaison, Felicity Dykas and Kristen Gallant, University of Missouri D-Lib Magazine March/April 2015 Volume 21, Number 3/4. Examines the repository systems and current practices of metadata in the responses of 23 repositories.

  • Library of Congress Recommended Format Specifications 2014-2015 - Recommended Format Specifications are hierarchies of the physical and technical characteristics of creative formats, both analog and digital, which will best meet the needs of all concerned, maximizing the chances for survival and continued accessibility of creative content well into the future. *Includes suggested Metadata for each format